Church Calendar

Stay in the know

National Lutheran Schools Week - January 26th - 31st

• Sunday, January 26: National Lutheran Schools Week Kick-off Service

• Monday, January 27: "Never Give Up" – Dress Like Your Future Career/Career Panel

• Tuesday, January 28: "Discard Sin" – Dress Like a Superhero/Class Chant Competition

• Wednesday, January 29: "Understand His Example" – Students Dress Like Staff/Staff Dress Like Students & K-3rd Spelling Bee

• Thursday, January 30: "Run with Perseverance" – Dress Like Your Favorite Sports Team/Sports Activity

• Friday, January 31: "Expect Eternal Joy" – Dress in Army Fatigues/Field Day & Picnic

🎄 Join Us This December at Holy Cross!

Sunday – December 1st

  • Kids For Christ: Christmas Program Practice – 9:30 AM (Room 12)
  • Adult Bible Study: 9:30 AM (Guild Room)
  • New Member Class: 9:30 AM (Room 15)
  • Worship Service: 10:30 AM

Wednesday – December 4th

  • Midweek Advent Service: Hope – 7:00 PM

Saturday – December 7th

  • Kids For Christ: Christmas Program Dress Rehearsal – 9:30 AM (Church)

Sunday – December 8th

  • Kids For Christ: Program Practice/Program Day – 9:30 AM
  • Adult Bible Study: 9:30 AM (Guild Room)
  • New Member Class: 9:30 AM (Room 15)
  • Worship Service: Kids For Christ Program – 10:30 AM

Wednesday – December 11th

  • Midweek Advent Service: Love – 7:00 PM

Sunday – December 15th

  • Kids For Christ: Sunday School – 9:30 AM
  • Adult Bible Study: 9:30 AM (Guild Room)
  • New Member Class: 9:30 AM (Room 15)
  • Worship Service: 10:30 AM
  • Christmas Caroling: 4:00 PM (Meet in Church Parking Lot)
    • Gathering at the Bartels’ afterward for food and fellowship.

Wednesday – December 18th

  • Prime Timers (55+): 10:00 AM
    • Join us to watch our school students’ dress rehearsal of “The Grinch That Stole Christmas,” followed by a special luncheon at noon in the Guild Room.
  • Midweek Advent Service: Joy – 7:00 PM

Sunday – December 22nd

  • Kids For Christ: Sunday School – 9:30 AM
  • Adult Bible Study: 9:30 AM (Guild Room)
  • New Member Class: 9:30 AM (Room 15)
  • Worship Service: 10:30 AM

Tuesday – December 24th

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: 7:00 PM

Wednesday – December 25th

  • Christmas Day Service: 10:00 AM

Sunday – December 29th

  • Kids For Christ: Sunday School – 9:30 AM
  • Adult Bible Study: 9:30 AM (Guild Room)
  • New Member Class: 9:30 AM (Room 15)
  • Worship Service: 10:30 AM

📍 Location: 650 NE 135th Street, North Miami, FL 33161

Join Us for Thanksgiving Eve Worship!

Come together in gratitude on Wednesday, November 27th at 7:00 PM for our Thanksgiving Eve Service.

📍 650 NE 135th Street, North Miami, FL 33161

Let’s pause and give thanks for God’s abundant blessings as we prepare for Thanksgiving Day. Bring your family and friends—everyone is welcome!

🎄🎁 Operation Christmas Child Collaboration 🎁🎄

Our school has invited the church to join them in filling boxes for Operation Christmas Child! Each classroom is taking on at least one - two boxes, and the church has committed to filling 16 additional boxes. Together, we’re aiming to spread love and joy to children in need around the world!We’d love your support! Pick up a box on Sunday and bring it back no later than 11/14. Packing lists are available and can be found using the link below, you can donate small toys, school supplies, hygiene items.Let’s make a difference together this Christmas season! 🌍#HCLC#opperationchristmaschild#HCLS#HCLSLions#LCMS#OneMinistry#BountTogetherInLove

Packing List Link Click Here

Encouraging Word - Week 3 - July 18th

Week 3: July 18

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. - Psalm 119:105

Song: "Word of God Speak" by MercyMe (2018)

Happy Thursday! Today, let's encourage one another to spend more time in God's Word. His Word is our guide, our light, and our strength. Let’s immerse ourselves in Scripture and let it transform our lives. 🌟

Dear Lord, we thank You for the gift of Your Word. Encourage us to dive deeper into the Scriptures and find the guidance, wisdom, and comfort You have for us. May Your Word light our path and strengthen our faith. Help us to support one another in our journey to know You more. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Encouraging Word - Week 2 - July 11th

Happy Thursday! Today, let's practice gratitude and thankfulness in all we do. No matter the circumstances, God's goodness is ever-present. 🌟 #EncouragingWord #Thankfulness #1Thessalonians518 #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #ChurchandSchool #OneMinistry #LCMS #lcmsflga

Song: "Grateful" by Elevation Worship -

Encouraging Word - Week 1 - July 4th

Happy 4th of July! As we celebrate our nation’s independence, let’s also lift up our leaders in prayer. May God grant them wisdom, guidance, and strength. #EncouragingWord #PrayForLeaders #Psalm3312 #HCLC #HCLSLions #LCMS #FLGALCMS #OneMinistry

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord

Psalm 33:12a

Lord, we thank You for the freedom and blessings we enjoy in this nation. As we celebrate Independence Day, we lift up our leaders to You. Grant them wisdom, integrity, and strength to govern justly. May they seek Your guidance in all decisions and lead our country towards righteousness and peace.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Song: "My Country 'Tis of Thee" by Anthem Lights (Cover)

June Midweek Prayer Pause - Week 4

This week, let's renew our strength by waiting on the Lord and trusting in His perfect timing. Together, we can face any challenge! #Renewal #WaitOnTheLord

Bible Verse: Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

Song for the week: "Wait On You" by Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music -

Prayer: Heavenly Father, in times of challenge and uncertainty, we turn to You for renewal and strength. As we work to improve our facilities and prepare for the future, we ask for Your guidance and provision. Teach us to wait on You, finding our strength renewed in Your presence. Help us to persevere, knowing that as we hope in You, we will soar on wings like eagles. In our waiting, let us not be complacent but empower us to step up and take charge where needed, actively participating in Your work. Empower us to continue our mission with faith and determination. Amen.

June Midweek Prayer Pause - Week 3

This week, join us as we seek Godly lay leaders! Let's pray for servant-hearted individuals to step up and strengthen our church and school.

#SpiritLed #BuildingCommunity #HarvestWorkers #HCLC #HCLS #OneMinistry

Song of the Week: "Available" by Elevation Worship - Link:

June Midweek Prayer Pause - Week 2

This week, join us as we stand together, seeing victory in community! Let's build up our church family and celebrate the triumphs we have in Christ.

#SeeAVictory #BuildingCommunity #HCLC #HCLS #OneMinistry

Song of the Week: "See A Victory" by Elevation Worship - Link:

June Midweek Prayer Pause - Week 1

Join us in prayer for our church and school leadership. Calling a new Pastor and selecting Principal & teachers for 2024-2025. Trusting in God's guidance! #SeekingGodsGuidance

Song of the Day: "I Surrender" by Hillsong Worship - Link:

May Prayer Challenge - Week 4 - Church and School Families

Families united in faith are a powerful force. Let's serve the Lord together, strengthening our bonds and our commitment to Him.


Song of the week: "Good God Almighty" - by Crowder - YouTube Link click here

May Prayer Challenge - Week 3 - Trusting in the Future and the Unknown

Week Three: In times of uncertainty, we find hope in God's promise for our future. Let's trust His plans and walk boldly in faith.

"Faithful Now" by Vertical Worship - Click here for Song of the week

May Prayer Challenge - Week 2 - Community Outreach and Revival of Our Church and School

This weeks song: "Way Maker" by Leeland- YouTube Video click here

May Prayer Challenge - Week 1 - Church and School Leadership

This weeks song: "Rise Up (Lazarus)" by Cain - YouTube Video click here

April Prayer Challenge: Day 30

📜 Today's verse: Hebrews 13:17. As our prayer challenge concludes, let's lift up the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, praying for unity, wisdom, and guidance for its leaders. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry

Song of the Day: The Worship Medley - Essential Worship and Tauren Wells

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ON THIS PRAYER CHALLENGE - Stay tuned we will be back with more!

Weekly Prayer Challenge coming MAY 5th!

April Prayer Challenge: Day 29

🌍 Today's verse: Matthew 28:19-20. Let's pray for a clear vision of missions, that we may go forth and make disciples of all nations, spreading the Gospel far and wide. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #visionofmissions

Song of the Day: Let me tell you about my Jesus - Anne Wilson

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 28

🙏 Today's verse: 1 Peter 5:2-3. Join us in praying for Pastor Emeritus Bartels, that he may be strengthened and guided by the Holy Spirit as he continues to shepherd our congregation, for his physical and mental health. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #pastorbartels

Song of the Day: Word of God Speak - Mercy Me

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 27

🌱 Today's verse: John 15:1-4. Let's lift up the LWML,  praying for their ministry to flourish and bear much fruit for the kingdom of  God. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge  #OneMinistry #LWML

Song of the Day: We believe for it - CeCe Winans

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 26

🤝 Today's verse: Philippians 2:1-4. Join us in praying for a spirit of understanding and unity within our church body, that we may be of one mind and heart in Christ. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #SpiritOfUnderstanding

Song of the Day: Oceans - Hillsong

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 25

💼 Today's verse: Acts 11:26; 2 Corinthians 1:12. Let's  pray for the business affairs of the church, that they may be conducted with  integrity and honor, reflecting God's glory. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #ChurchBusiness

Song of the Day: You Hold it All Together - Chandler Moore and Naomi Raine

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 24

🤲 Today's verse: Hebrews 13:17. Join us in praying for  our small group leaders, that they may shepherd their groups with wisdom,  love, and humility. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #SmallGroupMinistry

Song of the Day: This I Believe (The Creed) - Hillsong

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 23

🕊️ Today's verse: Romans 10:1-4 1-4. Let's pray for the  lost, that they may come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ and  experience His love and redemption. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS  #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #PrayerForTheLost

Songs of the Day: 1) You Really Are - Elevation Worship 2) Graves into Gardens - Elevation Worship 3)Maybe it’s ok - The Messengers

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 22

📝 Today's verse: James 5:13-18. Let's lift up the  prayers on our prayer list, knowing that God hears and answers each one  according to His will. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #HCLCPrayerList #LordHearOurPrayers

Songs of the Day: Same God - Elevation Worship

In Jesus’ Name - Katy Nichole

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 21

📖 Today's verse: Matthew 5:6-10. Join us in praying for a passion for God's Word, that it may dwell richly in our hearts and guide our lives. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS  #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #PassionForTheWord

Song of the Day: What a Beautiful Name/Agnus Dei - Travis Cottrell & Lilly Cottrell

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 20

📚 Today's verse: Proverbs 17:6. Let's lift up prayers  for the students and parents of Holy Cross Christian Day School, that they  may grow in wisdom and faith. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS  #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #StudentsandParents

Song of the Day: The Blessing - Kari Jobe    

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 19

🤲 Today's verse: Ephesians 4:11-12. Join us in praying  for the FLGA District of LCMS, that leaders may be equipped to serve  effectively. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry

Song of the Day: Cornerstone - Hillsong

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 18

🏙️ Today's verse: Philippians 1:18. Let's pray for the  city of North Miami, that it may experience God's peace and transformation.  #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge  #OneMinistry #CityOfNorthMiami #NoMi

Song of the Day: God of This City - Chris Tomlin  

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 17

👧 Today's verse: 1 Timothy 4:12. Join us in praying for  the youth of our church, that they may be beacons of faith and hope in their  generation. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #YouthMinistry #LCMSYouth #CONTAGIOUS

Song of the Day: Hosanna - Hillsong    

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 16

💰 Today's verse: 2 Corinthians 8:7-9; 9:7. Let's lift up prayers for the financial well-being of our church, that we may steward God's resources wisely. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #ChurchFinances

Song of the Day: Do it Again (acoustic) - Elevation Worship

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 15

🌟 Today's verse: James 1:27. Join us in praying for a  heart for the marginalized, as we seek to serve those in need with compassion  and love. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #HeavenSentMinistry #HeavenSent

Song of the Day: Names - Elevation

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 14

🚪 Today's verse: Acts 2:41; 16:14. Let's pray for new  visitors to Holy Cross, that they may find a welcoming community and  encounter God's love here. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #NewVisitors

Song of the Day: My Testimony - Elevation Worship

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 13

🤝 Today's verse: Ephesians 4:2-6. Join us in prayer for  a spirit of community within our church, built on love, peace, and unity.  #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge  #OneMinistry #SpiritofCommunity

Song of the Day: Goodness of God - Cece Winans

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 12

💪 Today's verse: Galatians 6:9. Let's pray for  perseverance in our faith journey, knowing that God's promises never  fail.  #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS  #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #Perseverance

Song of the Day: Overcomer- Mandisa

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 11

🧒 Today's verse: Mark 10:14. Join us in praying for the  Kids for Christ Ministry, that children may come to know and love Jesus  deeply. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #KidsForChristMinistry #KidsForChrist

Song of the Day: I'm So Blessed - Cain

Spotify Playlist: or YouTube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 10

🏡 Today's verse: 1 Corinthians 4:2. Let's lift up prayers for our church and school property, that they may be places of safety, learning, and worship. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #ChurchProperty

Songs of the Day: House of the Lord - Phil Wickham

                              The church I grew up in - Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 9

🌍 Today's verse: Matthew 5:13-16. Let's pray for our  church's impact in the community, that we may shine God's light brightly for  all to see. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #CommunityImpact

Song of the Day: Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies) - Chris Tomlin

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 8

🕊️ Today's verse: Hebrews 13:17. Join us in praying for  our church leadership, that they may lead with wisdom, humility, and love.  #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge  #OneMinistry #ChurchLeadership

Song of the Day: New Wine - Hillsong  

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 7

🎶 Today's verse: Psalm 150. Let's lift up our music  ministry, praising God with joyful hearts and voices. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions  #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #MusicMinistry

Songs of the Day: The Heart of Worship/Here I Am to Worship  - Caleb and Kelsey

                              Gratitude - Brandon Lake

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 6

📖 Today's verse: Exodus 18:21. Join us in prayer for the  call process, that God's will may be revealed in the selection of a new  shepherd to our ministry. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #CallProcess

Song of the Day: Trust in God - Elevation

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 5

🤝 Today's verse: 1 Corinthians 1:10. Let's pray for  unity in the church, that we may be of one mind and one purpose, glorifying  God together. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #UnityInChrist

Song of the Day: At the Cross (Love Ran Red) - Chris Tomlin

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 4

🤲 Today's verse: Acts 6:3-7. Join us in prayer for our lay leaders, that they may be filled with wisdom and discernment as they serve our church family. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #LayLeaders

Song of the Day: Build Your Church - Elevation/Maverick City

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 3

👨👩👧👦 Today's verse: Ephesians  5:22-28. Let's pray for strong families within our church community, built on  love, respect, and faith. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS #FLGADistrict  #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #StrongFamilies

Song of the Day: Lead Me  - Sanctus Real

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 2

📚 Today's verse: Deuteronomy 11:18-19. As we lift up  Holy Cross Christian Day School, let's pray for wisdom and guidance for  students and educators alike. #HCLC #HCLS #HCLSLions #LCMS #LCMS  #FLGADistrict #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #Luthed

Song of the Day: LION -  Brandon Lake/Chris Brown

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

April Prayer Challenge: Day 1

🙏 Day 1: As we begin our April Prayer Challenge, let's  focus on the Spirit of Evangelism. Acts 2:46-47 reminds us of the early  church's fervor in spreading the Good News. Pray for a renewed passion to  share the gospel, boldness in proclaiming Christ, and hearts receptive to His  message. #HCLC #HCLS #AprilPrayerChallenge #OneMinistry #30dayPrayerChallenge  #Evangelism

Song of the Day: The Commission - Cain

Spotify Playlist: or Youtube Playlist:

30 Day April Prayer Challenge - Kickoff

As a community of believers, we are called to embark on this journey together. While personal prayer is crucial, we urge everyone to participate in some capacity, as our ministry, church, school, small groups, leaders, community, city, finances, building, and much more require constant prayer. We invite you to join us, to be accountable as we journey in prayer and delve into the Word. With God, all things are possible, and He will bring about change in this place and among His people.

Sign up here:

Even if a day is full, feel free to participate; signing up is not obligatory, we simply aim to ensure that each section has at least three people praying.

For worship and prayer, listen to these selected songs on Spotify:

or Youtube:

Curated by members of our Church Praise team, as we seek God's presence and real transformation for Holy Cross Lutheran Church and School.

Holy Week Schedule

We have so many great things going on during Holy Week! We hope to see you all there and hope you invite your family & friends!

650 NE 135th Street | North Miami, FL | 33161

Midweek Lenten Service Schedule

Ash Wednesday Service

What’s the Reason for Ashes on Ash Wednesday?

As you know, Jesus retreated into the wilderness and fasted for forty days to prepare for his ministry. It was for Him a time of contemplation, reflection, and preparation. By observing Lent, most Christians join Jesus on His retreat.

Lent consists of the forty days before Easter. In the western Church, we skip over the Sundays when we count the days of Lent, because Sunday is always the joyful celebration of the Resurrection. Therefore, the first day of Lent for us is always a Wednesday.  This year it is on the 14th of February.

Biblical societies relied very heavily on wood fires for heating and cooking, which meant that keeping ashes under control was a major housekeeping task. Then as now, if a person was preoccupied with something serious, they didn’t always tend to the housekeeping—it’s the least of their concerns. Imagine that there is a death in the family. A friend stopping by to pay their respects might gently say, “Did you know you have ashes on your face?”

So ashes became a sign of remorse, repentance, and mourning. Today someone might wear a black armband to signify that they are in mourning; back then people put ashes on their foreheads. You can find biblical examples of this in 2 Samuel 13:19, Esther 4:1-3, Job 42:6, and Jeremiah 6:26.

During Lent, ancient Christians mourned their sins and repented of them, so it was appropriate for them to show their sincerity by having ashes on their foreheads. The custom has persisted in the church as secular society has changed around us. It is most appropriate on Ash Wednesday, when we begin a period of sober reflection, self-examination, and spiritual redirection.

Traditionally, the ashes for the Ash Wednesday service come from burning the palm fronds from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebration.  So join us as we gather as God’s family in services on Ash Wednesday.  School Chapel is at 8:30am, we invite you to be a part of that service if you are unable to be with us in the evening.  Our evening service will be held at 7:00 pm as we begin our Lenten services.  Imposition of Ashes will be done at both services.  Communion will be celebrated in the 7:00 pm. service.

LWML Annual Lovefest

Join us for our Annual LWML Lovefest. More details will be shared in church!

Life Line Screening

Life Line Screening will be in our neighborhood soon! On Saturday, February 24th right here at Holy Cross Lutheran Church 650 NE 135th St., N. Miami

Get your special Community Circle pricing!

Three ways to register and receive the special discount:

Call toll-free: 1-800-679-5191


Text: the word circle to 216-279-1607


Pickleball Wednesday Nights at 6-8pm

Saturday Mornings 9-11am (or later)

2024 Church Envelopes & 2023 Giving Statements

Don't forget to get your 2024 envelopes & if you need your 2023 giving statement please reach out to Carol via email, .

Christmas Day Service

Oh Come All Ye Faithful! Come join us as we celebrate the New Born King December 25th at 10am. See you all there!

Christmas Eve Services

Come join us December 24th at 10:30 am for our Sunday Morning Christmas Eve service! Then come join us at 7pm for our Christmas Eve Candle Light Service! See you there!

Christmas Midweek Advent Services

Come join us Wednesday nights at 7pm for our Advent services! Hope to see you all there!

What's Happening in October:

Communion Sundays in October

Communion Sundays in October are: 

October 15th - LWML Sunday

October 29th - Reformation Sunday

Teacher Installation Sunday

Hello Holy Cross – This is Pastor Bartels and I’m inviting you to be in Worship this Sunday as we Celebrate Teachers.  In some ways we are all a teacher as Every Christian is in "full-time ministry, "no matter what you are doing, no matter what it says on your business card, no matter if you punch a time clock or are on salary, no matter if you are doing technical work or people work, no matter if you are paid or a volunteer, no matter if you work for your boss or for your family as a housekeeper. Always do your best and always do it to glorify your God.

But this Sunday we be recognizing and celebrating all who are connected to the teaching profession – Private and Public and in our Sunday School and Adult Bible Study – Let's use this as an opportunity to invite other family members or friends and neighbors who work in the educational system.  We will have a special gift for them.   We all know today teaching is tough.

Yes, it’s wonderful. Yes, it’s rewarding. Yes, it’s an incredible job and calling. But it’s also really tough. But Jesus invites us in His Word of the importance of staying connected to Him – the true vine.  So lets gather Sunday morning as we acknowledge and thank God for all who are a part of the teaching ministry. A time to say thank you and a time to encourage teachers and support staff in a very demanding vocation.  

Sunday school and Adult Bible study at 9:30 and the celebration worship service at 10:30am.

See You Sunday!

Pastor Bartels Retirement Service

After almost 37 years at Holy Cross Pastor is hanging up the stole, we invite you to join us for service, at 10:30am on June 11th, as we celebrate his accomplishments in his ministry all glorifying our Lord and Savior! Following the service there will be a celebration luncheon in honor of Pastor Bartels!

To RSVP please use the below link!

Celebration of Life for Ruth Bolotin

On Easter Sunday Ruth Bolotin was carried in the arms of Jesus to her heavenly home at age 96.

Ruth has been a part of the Holy Cross family for more than 65 years and has actively served and worshiped her Lord and Savior Jesus during that time - giving praise to her Savior with her singing and with faithful service to the Altar Guild and many other areas of our church.

A Celebration of Life service will be held on Saturday April 22 at 11:30 am at Holy Cross Lutheran Church with a light luncheon to follow.

Celebration of Life for Ronald Sejba

On Friday March 31st Ronald Sejba was called to his heavenly home.

The Sejba family invites you to join them at Holy Cross for the visitation on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 6:00pm with the memorial service to follow at 7:00pm. Please keep the family in your prayers.


Holy Week Services

Lots happening at Holy Cross during Holy Week (my bias opinion is these services are not to be missed!). Join us for all of them dates and times below:

  • Palm Sunday                                       April 2nd            10:30 am EST (Sunday School and Bible Study at 9:15 am EST)
  • Maundy Thursday                              April 6th               7:00 pm EST
  • Good Friday Tenebrae Service        April 7th               7:00 pm EST
  • Easter Sunrise Service                      April 9th               7:00 am EST
  • Easter Service                                     April 9th              10:30 am EST

Lechon Fest - St. Andrews Lutheran Church

Join our friends at St. Andrews Lutheran Church on March 18th for their First Lechon Fest!

$10 per meal ticket - Children under 10yrs old FREE with Adult Ticket (1 child per adult for this please)

St. Andrews Lutheran Church is located at: 575 W. 68th Street, Hialeah, FL 33014

FREE Bounce house and Kids Activities!

Special Lenten Service with Musical Guest Wendysue and Students from our school

Join us Wednesday, March 8th at 7:00pm EST as we welcome special musical guest Wendysue and students from our school. This service will be livestreamed on Facebook and Instagram as well (as long as technology is on our side that evening). Come join us in person and feel the presence of God in this place. All are welcome! Invite your family and friends!

Midweek Lenten Service Schedule

Join us at 7:00 pm EST each Wednesday night during the Lent Season. These services will be livestreamed on Facebook and Instagram as well (as long as technology is on our side that evening.). We encourage you to join us on our lenten journey in person as it is so important we are together in worship.

Schedule as followed:

March 1st

March 8th - Special Musical Guest Wendysue & Students of Holy Cross

March 15th

March 22nd

March 29th

Christmas Services

Join us Saturday, December 24th at 7:00pm for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

and again on Sunday, December 25th at 10:30am for our Christmas Day Service

Each service is moving and special, we invite you and your family to join us we celebrate the birth of Jesus

Christmas Caroling

Join us at 4:00pm in the church parking lot as we go Christmas Caroling to a few of our members. After all are invited to Pastor & Beth's house for Chili & Baked Potatoes. We ask you to bring an appetizer or dessert to share.

Children and Youth Christmas Program

Join us on December 18th for our Children & Youth Christmas Program

All Saints Sunday 2022 - November 6th

Hello Holy Cross Family & Friends! In preparation for All Saints Sunday, November 6th, We are asking that anyone who has lost a loved one from November 2021 - October 2022, to please submit their name and date of passing to Kimberly (click here). Please have all submissions in by Monday 10/31. If you have any questions please reach out to Kimberly.

Please make sure to include name and date of passing (Example: John Doe, passed away on 1/2/21)

God Bless and have a great day!

Here's What's Happening In October 2022

Holy Week at Holy Cross - April 14th - 17th

It's Holy Week here at Holy Cross Lutheran Church & School. Come join us as we prepare for not only the road that leads to Jesus' death but the celebration we have in His resurrection! We are called to be Easter people, as such that means we must examine ourselves and ask God for the grace and forgiveness He so freely gives to each of us.If you are looking for a place to go, give us a try! Each service is special and unique to the Easter Story.

Maundy Thursday - Living Lord's Supper - A live reenactment of what happened in the upper room

Good Friday - Tenebrae Service - This is a service of darkness, quiet, and reflection. During this service, you are asked to examine yourself. A piece of paper is given to you and you are asked to write down your sin. This is a personal experience and by far a favorite journey here at Holy Cross. If you have never been or seen this service we encourage you to join us.

Easter Sunday - CELEBRATION! Come see the empty tomb, come hear the story and see that He is not here, He has risen. Feel the joy as Easter people and go tell others the great and wonderful news that JESUS is very much alive! Breakfast for all from 8:15am - 9:15am, and an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids!

Midweek Lent Services

Christmas Services

Sunday December 19th 10:30am - Sunday School & Youth Christmas Program

Friday, December 24th 7:15pm - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Saturday, December 25th 10:30am - Christmas Day Service

Sunday, January 2nd 10:30am - New Years Service

Sunday, January 9th 10:30am - Epiphany Sunday

70th Anniversary Celebration

Join us at 9:15 am for Adult Bible Study and Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service
Luncheon Immediately after Service for fellowship

Holy Week & EGG-Stavagana Drive Thru

COVID RESTRICTIONS APPLY!  A MASK & PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIRED.                 Online services will still be available!

Ash Wednesday, February 17th, 2021

Hello Holy Cross Family,

Lent/ Ash Wednesday begins on February 17th.  Since we are still in the pandemic our service for Ash Wednesday will look a little different. There will be one posted on the website and other virtual venues as will all our Lent – Midweek services.  On Ash Wednesday during the virtual service there will be a time for the imposition of ashes – this year you will place them on your forehead yourself.

You might say – “but I don’t have any ashes? “– there are two ways for you to receive ashes – one is to make them yourself from dried palm branches the other way is to come to the church on Tuesday February 16 and pick some up.  They will be available in the Narthex from 12:00 to 1pm or again from 5pm to 6pm. If these times do not work, please call the church office.

The other way to receive ashes is to be a part of one of the Ash Wednesday services that will be conducted outside around the fountain – it will include the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion.  The times for these services are 9 am – 12:30 pm and 6 pm.

May God direct us as we make our Lenten Journey to the cross.
Pastor Bartels

LWML Virtual Lovefest

Calling All Ladies! Come join the fun for the first ever Virtual LWML Lovefest!

Saturday, February 20th, from 7:00pm-8:30pm

Invite a friend and don't forget to wear your pink, red, or white!

Place: Zoom

Meeting ID: 935 0912 3099

Passcode: w1LR7m

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to

Jenny 305-303-7161

Jennifer 786-552-2343

or Jackie 954-803-3457

Rick Feisthammel's Service Information

Hello Holy Cross Family & Friends,

As you all know our dear member and friend of Holy Cross Rick Feisthammel was called to his heavenly home. We will be honoring and celebrating his life this Saturday, February 6th, at 10am at Holy Cross. We ask that if you are unable to attend or a Holy Cross member please watch the service via Facebook Live on our Facebook Page (to allow the limited social distancing seating for family and special guests of the family). We ask that you please keep the family in your prayers and send them your love as they go through this difficult time.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the church office

(If you do not have Facebook, the service will be posted on our website after)

Survey & Communion Signup

Click the link to take our survey if you have not already done so (survey is about online bible study, in-person or online):

Click on the link below to register for Communion on the following days below:

Outdoor Communion Service Information:

We invite you to partake in the sacrament of Holy Communion service for small groups of 15  beginning this Wednesday July 29th we will be conducting Outdoor Communion Services for small groups around the fountain in the Memorial Garden – The service will last approximately 10 – 12 minutes.

You must wear a mask and social distancing will be required.

  • We are offering times in the morning and evening to allow all to be able to come. On Wednesday – morning times are 9:00 am and  9:20 am and evening times are 6:00 PM, 6:20 PM, 6:40 PM, and 7:00 PM these times may be adjusted in the future.

We ask that you remain in your car till the appropriate time, then walk up the church sidewalk where there will be a hand sanitizing station, then proceed to the table by the front door where prepackaged communion elements will be placed for you to pick up one for yourself and then proceed to the fountain area entering from the church side. You will then be asked to go and stand on a black dot with a cross on it which have been placed on the patio brick all at least 6 feet a part – couples/families may all stand on one dot – if you are not able to stand a chair will be provided. Directions will be given at that time and following the service we ask that all will return to your cars and please at all times practice social distancing.

If you did not register we still encourage you to come as it has been a while since we have celebrated communion.  

If you have any questions please contact Pastor Bartels.    

Easter Sunday Worship Service, April 12, 2020

Thank you for Celebrating Easter Sunday with us today!

If you would like to give, please text 1-833-428-3155

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today to receive notification of new postings: Holy Cross Lutheran Church North Miami

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Follow us on Facebook: Holy Cross North Miami

Follow us on Instagram: @holycrossnm

For regular updates, please visit our website at

Good Friday Tenebrae Service - April 10, 2020

Thank you for joining fort this powerful Good Friday service!

Please note we are using footage from our 2019 Good Friday Service - we are not conducting live services at this time.If you would like to give please text: 1-833-428-3155

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today to receive notification of new postings (Search for: Holy Cross Lutheran Church North Miami FL)

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Maunday Thursday

Thank you for worshiping with us today!

Please note The Living Lord's Supper was previously recorded on March 29, 2018

If you would like to give, please text 1-833-428-3155

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today to receive notification of new postings: Holy Cross Lutheran Church North Miami

To receive emails from Holy Cross, please email:

Follow us on Facebook: Holy Cross North Miami

Follow us on Instagram: @holycrossnm

For regular updates, please visit our website at

Holy Week Chapel

DCE Intern put together a great Holy Week message for the children of Holy Cross! Happy Holy Week!

Holy Cross Lutheran Church Choir presents their Easter Cantata: "The Day He Wore My Crown" (previously recorded 4/14/19)

Thank you for worshiping with us today!

Please note the cantata was previously recorded on April 14, 2019

If you would like to give, please text 1-833-428-3155

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today to receive notification of new postings: Holy Cross Lutheran Church North Miami

To receive emails from Holy Cross, please email:

Follow us on Facebook at ( and on Instagram: @holycrossnm

For regular updates, continue to visit our website at

Holy Week Services

Hello Holy Cross Family! Come join us this Holy Week virtually, as we will be doing watch parties for each service:

Easter Cantata - “The Day He Wore My Crown” (previously recorded 2019) - Wednesday, April 8, 2020 - 7:00pm

The Living Lords Supper (previously recorded 2018) - Thursday, April 9, 2020 - 7:00pm

Friday Tenebrae Service (previously recorded nailing of our sins 2019) - Friday, April 10, 2020 - 7:00pm

Easter Morning Service - Sunday, April 12, 2020 - 10:30am


It will be posted on all social media sites and our website, Watch parties on Facebook.

Don't forget to invite your family and friends! May God continue to bless you all. We love and miss you all!

In Christ, Pastor Bartels

Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020

Thank you for worshiping with us today!

If you would like to give please text: 833-428-3155

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today to receive notification of new postings (Search for: Holy Cross Lutheran Church North Miami FL)

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Follow us on Instagram @holycrossnmiami

Visit our Church Website:

Visit our School Website:

6th Midweek Service in Lent - Sermon: "The God Who Gives Life to the Dead"

Thank you for worshiping with us today.

If you would like to give please text: 833-428-3155

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today to receive notification of new postings (Search for: Holy Cross Lutheran Church North Miami FL)

To receive emails from Holy Cross please

Follow us on Facebook:

Follow us on Instagram: @holycrossnmiami

Visit our Church Website:

Visit our School Website:

5th Sunday Of Lent - Worship Service 3.29.20

Thank you for worshiping with us today!

If you would like to give please text: 833-428-3155 or go to the give tab.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today to receive notification of new postings (Search for: Holy Cross Lutheran Church & School)

To receive emails from Holy Cross or for prayer requests please email:

Follow us on Facebook ( and on Instagram @holycrossnmiami.

5th Midweek Lenten Service - March 25, 2020 - Sermon - "In the Dust of the Rabbi"

Thank you for worshiping with us today!

If you would like to give please text: 833-428-3155

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today to receive notification of new postings (Search for: Holy Cross Lutheran Church North Miami FL)

To receive emails from Holy Cross please email:

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Follow us on Instagram @holycrossnmiami

Visit our School Website:

Bible Study Opportunities

Although right now our circumstances will not allow us to gather together, we would like to encourage each and everyone of you to stay in the word. Here are different opportunities, with more to come. If you have any questions please reach out to the church office,

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
Pierre Alexis: This adult Bible study group has begun a lesson on the Household of Faith that I found on the Lutheran Hour Ministries website. The video link for the first session is below:
On this page you will be able to access all four sessions. Please use these at home worksheets

KFC (Kids For Christ):
Good Morning All, please join our Facebook group for our weekly postings, as well as additional content! May God bless you and your families at this time.

Ms. Susan’s TEXT SUNDAY SCHOOL -🤪Palm Sunday - April 5th, 2020

Today's Lesson:


I have a SPECIAL CREATIVE PROJECT for you to do IN HONOR OF PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 5th. I am giving it to you now, so you have time to do it and hang it on a door or in a window where you live (outside door of house, apt. door, bedroom door) to celebrate Palm Sunday on the morning of Sunday, April 5th.

It could be any kind of real or artificial palm branch you can get or already have. You can be as creative as you would like. It can be just one branch or more. You can leave it plain or decorate it.
We might be Social Distancing and physically isolated, but we are not separated. We are united as the body of Christ. A building doesn't make a Church, it's the people that make the Church. We are the Church!!!

God's Blessings,
Ms. Susan 🥰

Please REMEMBER to join us to watch  Pastor’s Sermon ✝️  at 10:30 am (it’s online earlier or later if you schedule doesn’t allow you to watch at 10:30 am) (if Ms. Susan does not have your message please contact her @ (305) 790-4888)

Here are pictures from this week's Challenge:

Dylan's High School/Family Rescources: On there are tons of Bible Studies available for you to use and access for free during these unprecedented times of the coronavirus. You can use this website as a place in which you can pick a Bible Study to do together as a family, so that you all are able to stay in the word another time. Aside from watching the Sunday church service via online platforms, because staying in the word is crucial to keeping a strong faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

On from the home page on the left hand side you will need to click on the word series, which is right under sermons to make it to all the Bible studies they offer. These Bible Studies that are provided are multi-lesson studies rather than just a one time study, and the studies offered range from 1 lesson through 31 lessons available to you for free. These work amazing for a family because they offer discussion questions on the topic that has been picked; as well as something to do after the study before the next.

Sam Ludington's Adult Bible Study:

Come join us Thursday evenings at 7:30, for a "Trapped" bible study by calling in (425)436-6397 access code: 660358.

For more information or prayer requests please email and in the Subject put prayer request.

A letter from Dr. Gregory Waton, Florida-Georgia Distric President

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Lenten greetings in the name of Jesus, the One who has victory over sin, death and even disease!

We are living in an unprecedented time that has many living in fear and feeling anxiety. Our true comfort can be found in the promises of Jesus. He is the Great Physician, and we can trust in Him even when the foundations of life seem to be shaking. Let me encourage you during these days to look to Him who says to us, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?” John 14:1.

The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 virus points us in a very dramatic way to our Lenten journey. For Jesus it was a journey filled with sacrifice, pain, and ultimately death. However, death could not hold Him, and because of His Resurrection we can be confident that death (or disease) cannot defeat us either.

At this time we are strongly encouraging, based on the best advice from Government and Medical personnel, that congregations refrain from gathering at a church building for worship, even in small groups. This is a voluntary self monitoring now, but it may not be long before we find ourselves in the same predicament as New York and California, where restrictions are not optional. We are doing our best to equip pastors with tools to deliver God’s Word in a variety of new, electronic, ways at a critical time that does not endanger people, especially as the numbers of infected people rise in both Florida and Georgia. What this means is that many of us will potentially experience a very different kind of Sunday worship which may include our Easter celebration this year. Rather than gathering in our local church buildings, we will need to remain in smaller groups, practicing social distancing. Perhaps this is an opportunity for each of us to explore the difference between “going” to church and “being” the church. While we know the Church is God’s gathered people, we have often allowed it to become associated with a building facility. We remain the Church by virtue of our faith in Jesus! Is God forcing us to discover a new paradigm for worship? This remains to be seen.

Let me encourage you to consider how you might continue to “do” ministry in this unique time.

·      First, be in prayer. Pray for God’s intervention, pray for first responders, medical personnel, government officials and all who have responsibilities during these days. Pray for our pastors, teachers and other workers who seek to learn how best to provide spiritual care within the confines of proper care. Pray for those who are experiencing financial challenges due to current restrictions.

·     Spend more time in God’s Word, seeking His direction and peace rather than binge watching Netflix or any number of popular shows. The District Website has posted a number of helpful resources to enable you to do this. We also have online services, daily devotions, and encouragement. Reread the Small Catechism—you’ll be amazed at how relevant it really is! While the internet is flooded with information about the COVID-19 pandemic, we have tried to provide updated and relevant information on our web page for our members and friends.

·     Continue to pray for and financially support your local congregation. This is a critical time for congregations, and your continued financial support is extremely important. Without it many congregations may not survive this crisis. There are a number of ways to give on-line, and many of our congregations already have this in place. For those that do not, there is information on our website to help establish this. If you need assistance call Jay Wendland or Laura Zirbel in our office (407-857-5556).

·     Let me also encourage you to stay active. Take walks, practicing social distancing, exercise, eat well and get rest. If you begin to feel sick, take the proper precautions. While you need to stay connected and aware of the latest news, take care not to allow yourself to become overly consumed with the news. Read a book or find another way to distract yourself for a bit of a sabbatical from the crisis all around us. Sing a hymn! Write some letters or emails to loved ones. As frustrating as it may seem, this time can really a gift to focus on strengthening our walk with Jesus.

·     Be sure to follow the CDC guidelines and the Government mandates. You can get updates on-line and on the media. God put the Government in place for our good, and, to date, I have not heard any agency seeking to restrict the Church or the free course of God’s Word. The call is for cooperation, not limitation. As frustrating as it may seem to be confined, we need to be a partner in our communities for the greater good and as a witness for Jesus.

We trust our Lord to care for us, but at the same time, this is an opportunity for every believer to shine the light of Jesus in their neighborhood. Check on neighbors, help with making sure those who are elderly have necessary groceries, do all you can to help “flatten” the curve, and reduce the impact of this killer virus. Each of us can make a difference by simply staying home and keeping our distance for the sake of everyone’s health. While isolating seems counterintuitive, it is the best thing that can be done to protect and show care for souls.

Through it all, know that we are working together on behalf of all our ministries and members to provide resources and information to help us all get through this together. Be at peace. God is still Sovereign and He will never leave us nor forsake us. As Paul reminded the Philippian Church, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7.

Your fellow servant in Jesus,

Rev. Dr. Gregory S. Walton, President

The Florida-Georgia District, LCMS

4th Sunday of Lent - Sermon 3.22.2020

Thank you for worshiping with us today!

If you would like to give please text: 833-428-3155

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel today to receive notification of new postings (Search for: Holy Cross Lutheran Church & School)

To receive emails from Holy Cross please email:

Follow us on Facebook ( and on Instagram @holycrossnmiami.

Dorothy Krueger's 90th Birthday Celebration

On February 2nd, we will have a small reception for Dorothy Krueger, following church to celebrate her 90th Birthday! As we all know, she is a true blessing to Holy Cross and has been an active example in the church. Following service, we will have small deserts and punch. We ask the congregation to please write a card, a note or a memory to share. Once done please submit to the church office, but remember this is a surprise!

If you are a former member or a friend of Holy Cross and would like to mail in a card or email a message please submit to the church office by 1/30.

For Email please to: mark the subject as "Dorothy Krueger Message"

Mail can be sent to:

Holy Cross Lutheran Church Office

650 NE 135th St, North Miami Fl, 33161

Linda Butka Memorial Service

Linda Bucur Butka, 76, a faithful member of Holy Cross, Florida, went peacefully inher sleep to be with her Lord and Savior jesus last Sunday January 19,2020. 

Lindawas born in Detroit Michigan on September 10, 1943, daughter of John and Mary(Cook) Bucur. They moved to Miami in 1945 where Linda graduated from MiamiEdison Senior High in 1961. 

Lindaworked as a secretary for many years. Her last position, for almost 22 years,was at Airstron, where it was truly a loving family affair.  For most ofthese years, she enjoyed crocheting new baby afghans and following all thechildren of her company’s workers as they grew.  She enjoyed reading,watching TV, being with family and friends, and loved attending worship at HolyCross where she was active in various ministries –a member of the Altar Guild,Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, Young at Heart, the Memorial Brick project,and active in Bible study.  She was agreat listener and caregiver and friend to us all. Linda also enjoyed thecompany of her feline siblings, Levi and Lacy. 

Sheis preceded in death by her beloved husband, Robert J. Butka ~ Love, Always& Completely.

Lindais survived by her daughter, Roberta Butka; brother Dan (Sheryl) Bucur; cousinsBarbara Chaffee, Sandra (Bob) Koch and Lauree (Jay) Wolford, and other familyand friends.

Vitiationwill be held this Friday January 24that, Fred Hunter Funeral Home 6301 Taft Street in Hollywood, Florida 33024 from4 – 8 pm.  With a prayer service at 7.

Funeralservice will be held this SaturdayJanuary 25th at 10 am at Holy Cross Lutheran Church followed bythe interment in North Fort Lauderdale and then a reception to follow back atHoly Cross.

Inlieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to Holy Cross Lutheran Church orThe American Heart Association.

Financial Peace University Classes Launch January  2020

Are you ready to take control of your money? Financial Peace University (FPU) is a nine-lesson course designed to help you build a budget, dump debt, grow your
wealth, and leave money stress behind!

Starting January 9, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., Holy Cross North Miami will host FPU for any one who is interested in putting their financial house in order. Each lesson, created by Dave Ramsey and his team of financial experts, is based on biblical wisdom and common sense. In your FPU group, you’ll be motivated and encouraged by others just like you! When you sign up for FPU, you’ll get your member workbook and one free year of Financial Peace Membership, with access to exclusive online tools to help you on your journey. Contact Lisette Rogers at 305-893-0371/ for more info. FPU meets every Thursday at Holy Cross North Miami through March 5, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

January 2020 - Joining Jesus on His Mission

Holy Cross North Miami is starting a new book series this January 2020!  The Church will be reading Joining Jesus on His Mission: How to Be an Everyday Missionary.  The book teaches how to genuinely share Christ, with everyday love and not as a sales person. This will be the third book series that Holy Cross has undertaken congregation-wide in the last few years.  Each Sunday sermon will review a new section of the book, and small group sessions will also involve lively discussions, as lives are transformed by Jesus’s mission. Books are on sale for a discounted rate during Sunday services for only $5.

April 9, 2020 - Maundy Thursday

Each year for Holy Week, Holy Cross North Miamire-enacts Jesus’s last Supper with his disciples in an interactive service Thursdayat 7:15 p.m.  Attendees can learn firsthand what that night was like and see how Jesus came to serve, even up to thepoint of his arrest, trial, and crucifixion. The church displays how Jesus washed the feet of his disciplines andinstituted communion.  Communion alsowill be served as Holy Cross marks Maundy Thursday.    


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